Word passwords

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Word password recovery

Password protected Word files can be protected with different types of passwords, including:
  • File-open passwords - the most common and secure type
  • Document protection passwords
  • VBA macro passwords

Each type of password generally requires a different recovery approach as each type offers a different level of security.  For example, a file open password is highly secure and stops the document from being opened without the password, while a document protection password only prevents someone from overwriting the file.

File open passwords are the most secure type as Word uses the password and an internal counter as keys to securely encrypt the file contents.  Word file-open passwords are difficult to recover unless a common or short password was used (these account for only 20% of passwords used).  A long password may take hundreds of years to crack by trying every combination, and we instead recommend Decrytum's recovery service (which removes the password without having to recover it).

Password-find has independently tested a range of Word password recovery software and have included reviews of packages that we have found to be the most effective.

You can also check out our free guide for more information on recovering your Word file.

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